Venue Plan
Invited Keynote Speakers

Prof. Sang Il Seok
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)

Prof. Henry Snaith
University of Oxford
United Kingdom

Prof. Reinhold H. Dauskart
Stanford University
United States

Prof. Marina S. Leite
University of Maryland
United States

Dr Antonio Guerrero
Universitat Jaume I

Dr Piers Barnes
Imperial College London
United Kingdom
The ISOS-10 ’17 will feature a broad program of high quality presentations covering stability under different conditions of Organic and Perovskite solar cells. This includes accelerated laboratory experiments as well as studies in real world applications, strategies to more stable devices, methods for in-depth characterization and development and application of standards.
Below the tentative program, subject to final adjustments.

Presentation of Contributions
Invited Keynotes
The presentation time for each invited keynote is 30 minutes including 5 minutes Q&A.
Invited Talks
The presentation time for each invited talk is 20 minutes including 3 minutes Q&A.
Short Talks
The presentation time for each short talk is 15 minutes including 2 minutes Q&A.
Poster presentations
The poster sessions will be held in the lobbies of conference venue. Poster size A0, maximum dimensions 841 mm x 1189 mm. Material for fixing posters will be provided on-site. Printing of posters is to be done by contributors. The posters can be mounted during the whole duration of the conference. The Flash Talks are 3 minutes introductory talk on each poster.
Welcome Reception
On the 18th October 2017 20:00 [updated time]
We invite all delegates to the welcome reception of the ISOS-10 ’17 set on the terrace of the conference venue overlooking Balluta Bay. The event will be entertained with the solist voilinist Simon Vella who will perform live.

Social Event and Dinner
On the 19th October 2017, we invite you to the social event and dinner of ISOS-10 ’17 which is specially organised for a memorable event. The Event starts off from the conference venue with a Vintage Maltese Bus Tour to the Capital City of Valletta. A small walk from the Valletta City Gate will take us in front of:
>> the Maltese Parliament,
>> Our Lady of Victories Church, built on the site where a religious ceremony was held to inaugurate the laying of the foundation stone of the new city of Valletta on 28 March 1566,
>> Auberge de Castille which is the Prime Minister Office, and
>> Upper Barrakka Gardens where we would view our destination for the night at Esplora, together with a panoramic view of the Grand Harbour.
Our the transport mode will switch using the Barrakka Lift to link us to Valletta’s ditch.
Then our transport mode will finally switch again with a traditional water taxi using the ‘dgħajsa tal-pass’ to our final destina Esplora in Kalkara.
Esplora Interactive Science Centre at Bighi is we would have a three course Maltese traditional dinner and a 12 piece brass band to entertain with popular, classic and traditional music.
We hope that during this evening, you might experience the real Maltese traditions.
Meeting Point: Cavalieri Art Hotel, St Julians – Reception
Departure Time: 18:00 sharp [updated time]
Please advice at registration desk if you have difficulties with water taxis.
Event is restricted to fee paid delegates and partners only.